New Year’s Day.

With Susan, Dee and Kim      I’ll admit yesterday was a bit of an anticlimax.  I felt genuinely weird all day – a feeling I couldn’t pinpoint or shake until it hit me that – everything has changed and nothing has changed.  I’m sounding a bit like Yoda again, but as Dee put it, “Whatever it […]

Not drinking I am…

   Today is my one year sober anniversary.  It feels like a big deal to me, but oftentimes when I tell someone I’m a year sober*, they feel the need to say they know someone who’s been alcohol-free for like 37 years.  As if in the grand scheme of boozy achievements, a year is small potatoes –  I should […]

Miss Mare’s Etiquette for Drinkers

     I consider myself to be a polite person.  I was raised in the Midwest where simple, good manners were expected.  I was married to an Englishman.  I say “please” and “thank you” regularly.  I’ve even added the southern-born “sir” and “ma’am” suffixes to my salutations – something that works extremely well on Jacksonville cab drivers […]

I’m so bored with…

   …thinking about and talking about and writing about drinking.  Or not drinking.  Let’s talk about art.        Lauren and I went to Jim Draper’s Opening at KORK yesterday.   Mark George was there, and Jeff Whipple and as we were talking, one of them turned to Lauren and said, “I think we were bad influences on […]