Category Archives: Sober Article

Airport Alcoholics

Every time I walk into an airport I am inundated by the memories of tipsy journeys past. My husband was a nervous traveler and although we spent a lot of time in airports, my most lasting memory of traveling with him is of running. We would schlep our heavy carry-ons and sprint up sky scraping escalators from the bowels […]

Yes, I’m a Loner…

I lived on Jacksonville Beach for 3 years but DROVE to Guanna to walk for the GLORIOUS isolation… I think to be a recluse you have to be really rich. Poor folks just hole up… There has been a lot written about introversion and alcoholism. We all know that alcoholics isolate. But I have recently talked to […]

Tiptoeing Past the Dragon…

When we have ONE drink, we wake the monster and he is THIRSTY, n’est-ce pas? We all have names for it. The Ghost, the Sleeping Giant, the Devil, the Dragon. It’s the alcoholic’s most terrifying bugaboo. Waiting in the back of the mind, or the pantry, or the neighborhood pub is a monster who rears an ugly […]

First Among Equals

My beach on Staniel Cay. Is it fair to say alcohol took it from me? Is it fair? I reconnected with a couple of women from Staniel Cay recently. They both admitted they had always been worried about me and my drinking. Unbeknownst to me, one of them is a long time recovering alcoholic who had […]