I think to be a recluse you have to be really rich. Poor folks just hole up…
There has been a lot written about introversion and alcoholism. We all know that alcoholics isolate. But I have recently talked to a few recovering alcoholics who also mention being socially inadequate and I’ve been thinking about it fervently, as I am wont to do…
One of my clearest memories of drinking (is that an oxymoron?) is what I call the open bar beeline. Any time I was in an awkward social situation, for me any large gathering, I would enter the room and head for the bar. With a glass of white wine in my hand I had something to do, something to manage and oftentimes I’d start a conversation in the drink line and break the ice, so the rest of the crowd didn’t seem so daunting.
It’s an old fashioned term,. but I think I’m shy…
Now I’m wondering which comes first? The need to drink or the need to fit in?
Today I’m not drinking because I am embracing my introversion …
How come you’re not drinking?