Oh for God’s sake – I’m not going to KILL MYSELF… This is my gun though and I know how to use it. I’m feeling like I’m feeling this morning and I am wondering why. It’s Halloween, it’s raining and I’m sorely disappointed. When I look in the mirror it’s not me looking back. My limbs […]
Category Archives: Sober Article
Over the top? But I couldn’t write this morning and it’s cold and I had to drive a long way to get coffee… Or in the Old Days I Would Have Tied One on, Started a Fight in the Former Yugoslavia and Thrown my Computer in the Garbage – in that order… I once asked for a […]
Every time I walk into an airport I am inundated by the memories of tipsy journeys past. My husband was a nervous traveler and although we spent a lot of time in airports, my most lasting memory of traveling with him is of running. We would schlep our heavy carry-ons and sprint up sky scraping escalators from the bowels […]
The last vestiges of fall at River Rest Cemetery… I’m in Flint, Michigan; it’s the Halloween season – my absolute favorite; and I write a blog called Waking Up the Ghost. So sue me for taking photos in the River Rest Cemetery (where all my dead relatives reside) and for my macabre desire to embrace things melancholy and autumnal […]
I lived on Jacksonville Beach for 3 years but DROVE to Guanna to walk for the GLORIOUS isolation… I think to be a recluse you have to be really rich. Poor folks just hole up… There has been a lot written about introversion and alcoholism. We all know that alcoholics isolate. But I have recently talked to […]
When we have ONE drink, we wake the monster and he is THIRSTY, n’est-ce pas? We all have names for it. The Ghost, the Sleeping Giant, the Devil, the Dragon. It’s the alcoholic’s most terrifying bugaboo. Waiting in the back of the mind, or the pantry, or the neighborhood pub is a monster who rears an ugly […]
I had someone I’ve met through the blog send me a note asking if I ever dream of drinking. She said she’s been thinking of dreams lately – can’t get it out of her mind: dreams while she was drinking, sober dreams and dreams of drinking (the scariest kind she says). Now I can’t get […]
My beach on Staniel Cay. Is it fair to say alcohol took it from me? Is it fair? I reconnected with a couple of women from Staniel Cay recently. They both admitted they had always been worried about me and my drinking. Unbeknownst to me, one of them is a long time recovering alcoholic who had […]
Did I mention I used to own an art gallery? Art guys are my favorite category of people – smart, well read, funny, articulate… I was a bit of a drinker in those days, and I still contend the best conversations I’ve ever had, have been while drinking with artists. On one occasion, the Tony’s were […]
I can SMELL this image… Today I’d like to talk about drinking’s ugly sister – smoking. People still do that you know. Even though these days we have too many facts. We’ve all seen those people on the Truth ads who rasp through synthesizers with ghastly scars above their hearts, their teenage son’s giving them […]