Category Archives: Sober Article

Making Christmas

I didn’t write for a couple of days because I was busy. I was working. I was decorating Lisa’s house for Christmas – hauling poinsettias and wrapping sprigs of holly around bannisters like the Grinch when he brought the gifts back… When I wasn’t working, I was waiting in the hospital for Kim to have a […]

Pornagraphy or Art?

Porno from my collection – Eve by Altay Sadigzade For many years I was an art dealer in Jacksonville, Florida. I owned a gallery called Spiller Vincenty with Kim, and we began by importing post-Glasnost Russian art. It was the first generation of art to emerge from the former Soviet Union after the government disbanded their system of recognizing […]


They’re Anthropology pajama pants – I KNOW you want them… It’s 7 AM and I have done all my chores. I have cleaned the kitchen, bagged the recyclables, walked three dogs (more on that another day…), swept up five dustpans full of dirt on the kitchen floor and “organized” the kitchen for what I assume […]

Wear a Coat!

That ribbon of road to the left is my driveway…   I once had a psychologist tell me my biggest problem was not alcoholism, but the fact I did not pay attention to my surroundings.  He said, “It’s 48 degrees outside today. You are wearing a silk blouse. Pay attention and take better care of […]


This photograph does not begin to properly show the isolation and the beauty of this place… I am going to live in the Georgia mountains for a few months. I am staying in a “Wilderness Community” in a cabin with a massive stone fireplace and eccentric neighbors. I have packed boxed soups, apples, winter garments, razor blades, […]


Housewife by Anne Sexton Some women marry houses. It’s another kind of skin; it has a heart, a mouth, a liver and bowel movements. The walls are permanent and pink. See how she sits on her knees all day, faithfully washing herself down. Men enter by force, drawn back like Jonah into their fleshy mothers. […]