Throw Back Thursday…


Sirens on the island of the Lotus Eaters…

It’s a little dangerous for me to go through old photographs. The ones of The Bahamas still give me a punch in the gut. It’s like looking at photos of the happy times with the boyfriend you adored, who was wrong for you (I have one of those in The Bahamas too…).

We all know I am not one of those sad sacks who stagnates in the past. I lead an exciting life filled with new adventures. But this morning I feel sick with longing for the blue, the scratchy sand, the sound of the boat idling along another pristine bank, the shallow periscope of reef life and yes, the drinking*…

Ask anyone who’s lived there and doesn’t anymore.

The Bahamas is a Siren song

Today I’m not drinking because although I am looking back, I’m moving forward…

How come you’re not drinking?


*For those of you compelled to tell me this kind of reminiscence means I am a dry drunk who will inevitably fall off the wagon, please shut up.