Category Archives: Sober Article

I’m Fixed!

A close up from what is probably my favorite painting – “The Wait” by Tony Rodrigues   In the past week, two different people have asked me the same question, “Lord have mercy, don’t you want a drink?” Well they didn’t actually say it like that – I don’t know anyone who says “lord have mercy” […]

Hurricane Season

  When I was drinking, there were no crises. My coping strategy was to drink more and expect things to turn out okay. I operated with a set of blithe blinders to anything unpleasant or dangerous; I was as incongruous and outrageous as a standard poodle walking on its hind legs in the middle of the expressway. In […]

Routine in Recovery

The implements of routine…   I have recently had a number of smart people tell me I need to establish a routine. Apparently, for someone like me (who gads about like a raven pecking at bits of aluminum foil in the bushes), it is important to have a plan and follow a path without variation. […]

Cat Lady

Cats (like toddlers) are always most adorable when they are sleeping… this is Lauren’s Vincent.   A few years ago I was at a party talking to Susan, and I told her that if I ever became one of those women of a certain age, who wore clothing emblazoned with fauna, to kill me. You know what […]


Something wicked this way comes…   So, I had a complete meltdown Saturday. I was eating an orange on the way to the bank and when I got to the drive-through ATM machine, my fingers were sticky and the machine was not recognizing my responses to the prompts and there was an impatient car behind me and […]

Judging the Shrimp Festival

Does this photo make anyone else feel a little oozy?   Last night Kim and I watched a marathon of singing talent shows, where we consistently agreed with each other and disagreed with the celebrity judges, on the merits of all the contestants. Kim’s criteria for who should move on to the next round was based on singing ability, performance and song […]


Sprinkles was rescued from Gizmo’s Gerbil Circus and needs a good home… Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) Sometimes acronyms don’t paint the proper picture.  To me, PAWS sounds a little too cutesy for the real, painful syndrome it represents. It also shares its name with the Performing Animals Welfare Society, and now whenever I think […]


The best thing about being sober is the morning…   According to the National Health Service (NHS), UK, there is no “treatment” for a hangover – the best way to avoid one is either not to drink, or to drink sensibly and within the recommended limits… (duh)   I feel great this morning!  My only […]

The Feast of St. Patrick

Later, the bar top will be awash with stale booze and there won’t be any toilet paper in the bathrooms and NO ONE will notice…   I’m half Irish, I’m an alcoholic, it’s St. Patrick’s Day and I write a sobriety blog. It’s the perfect storm. You would think less of me (let’s face it), if I […]