Author Archives: admin

Listening to Music Drunk

  Be honest – one of the greatest things you can do while drunk, is listen to music. It’s just not the same sober. You find a song that “speaks to you” and you’re all alone with your favorite adult beverage and you’re dancing around, spilling and slurping and singing and you put it on a […]

The God of Wine and Rage

Fruit of the vine…   I have always known Dionysus was the god of wine and fertility, but the other day I was like, “Wait. Why don’t I know more about the Greek god of wine?” and I did a little research, and Dionysus’s story reads like a boozer’s memoir. He was the product of an […]

Breaking Bad in Michigan

I Dated Captain Ron for Three Years

A mosaic at ArtPrize made of broken plates.   Breaking the Mental Health Stigma While I was at Sanford House, the residents and I painted desert plates with all the bad things we wanted to banish from our lives forever (in my case fear, white wine, insecurity, addiction, self-sabotage and Raisinets – I sort of needed a dinner plate…), and then we […]

It’s All or Nothing…

Nothing like scrounged wood leeks and pinecones to satisfy…   So, after two months of eating lettuce and berries, like a super model (or a foraging freegan), I got to Dee’s last night and said the fatal words, “I feel like being bad.” It’s like somebody opens a floodgate. In my old drinking days, those five […]

This is Different than the Blues…

  There is something gorgeous about a cornfield that’s gone to seed; the useless stalks crowded together in steadfast rows against a pale blue sky. I was out walking early yesterday morning and I came upon a dirt road that ran between two fields: one fallow, mounds of dull-brown dirt, the other a dry rustle of leaves before they are […]

Can We Talk About Something Else?

  I spent last Thursday, Friday and Saturday with some of the smartest, funniest and most impassioned addiction/recovery professionals I have ever met. But probably my favorite line during the three days (or at least the one that makes me smile the most as I recall) was, “Can we talk about something else besides recovery? […]