Listening to Music Drunk



Be honest – one of the greatest things you can do while drunk, is listen to music. It’s just not the same sober. You find a song that “speaks to you” and you’re all alone with your favorite adult beverage and you’re dancing around, spilling and slurping and singing and you put it on a loop, and you play it till you know all the words. And because you are drunk, it takes a really long time, and if you live in an apartment someone will bang on the walls or ring the doorbell because they think you have somehow left the building or died…


I don’t mind being the heretic. I know I’m supposed to say that everything is better now that I’m sober, but I was reading through some old emails this morning (I am having trouble sleeping at the moment – waking up like someone stuck a needle in my heart at 3 a.m.), and I had one from an inconsolable, drunk guy who said he was listening to Ella Henderson’s “Ghost” over and over. It reminded me of all the times I have done that, and it made me feel nostalgic for the unique experience of listening to music while maudlin and wasted…


Oh for God’s sake, not that nostalgic…



Today I’m not drinking because I’m giving up the ghost…


How come you’re not drinking?