Category Archives: Sober Article

The Perils of Scotch Whiskey

It was World Whiskey Day on Saturday. So naturally I thought of Scotland. I spent a lot of time in the Highlands near Inverness, and although I never drank much Scotch, I hung out with a number of American dudes, living-like-lairds, with Holland &Holland flasks of Glefiddich in their knickers pockets (so their hands were free to tote loaded, […]

Drinking Responsibly

  That is not an oxymoron for some. I have people write to me all the time, who ask about the “rules” of drinking responsibly (as if I would know). They say “I’m going to a wedding – help :)” or “I am 26 and if I don’t drink I’m a social pariah :)” or […]

Role Models for Problem Drinking?

  I was going through some old photographs yesterday and I found this one of Lauren, Faye and my goddaughter Phoebe. They are obviously mimicking their mothers’ fondness for plonk. I actually remember where we were  – a churrascaria we loved near our villa in Portugal one summer. The food was great, the owner genial and as is […]

Whine Cellar

Ye Ole Wine Seller in Ponte Vedra…   Isn’t the English language awesome? Such opportunity for miscommunication and inaccuracy. I was driving down the street from my old house yesterday, and I passed my favorite, erstwhile wine seller. I’m assuming he’s still in there – his name is Pom and he does lunges with handles of whiskey […]

Don’t Do Dat

I feel silly today.   I also woke to a large, interesting statistic on my Jetpack (that’s  WordPress speak for obsessively checking how many people are reading the blog): the most people ever looked at yesterday’s blog post on Sober People Smoking Cannabis, after midnight. Hum. All those stoners up late, eating Cracker Jacks, playing with the surprise in the […]

Recovering Alcoholics Smoking Pot? WHAT?

From the movie Private Benjamin: Judy Benjamin: I think they sent me to the wrong place. Capt. Doreen Lewis: Uh-huh. Judy Benjamin: See, I did join the army, but I joined a “different” army. I joined the one with the condos and the private rooms   I Think I Might Have Joined the Wrong Recovery […]

The Stars Align Drunk or Sober

Weterlund 2 – Good band name…   This might surprise you, but I know the Hubble Telescope is having its twenty-fifth anniversary this year. I am not a closet astronomy nerd, but I lived in The Bahamas where there is no light pollution, and like home inspectors and police detectives I tended to look up.   […]

Chasing Ghosts

An M.C. Escher staircase within the lighthouse…   I was chasing ghosts last night. That is not a metaphor. I mean I was actually chasing ghosts at the St. Augustine lighthouse and museum with a crew too clever by half for the hapless guide, who banged on walls (for lack of poltergeists’ chain rattling) and […]