Category Archives: Sober Article

The Highs & Lows of Recovery

I don’t think I have particularly extreme emotional highs and lows. When I was drinking I would have a door-slamming moment where I went from normal Marilyn to scary Marilyn (my husband used to call me Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde), but since I’ve been sober, I am pretty even-keeled. I don’t do that thing anymore […]

Life is Like a Box of Doo-Doo

  Forest Gump said it best, “You never know what you’re gonna’ get…” Sometimes the cumulative effect of a single day will cause me to stop in my tracks and say aloud, “Come on – I’m trying really hard here. Give me a break…” This is almost always after a series of unfortunate events befall […]

This is a Test

That is God shining on me through the gnarled branches…   No really, I’m being tested. For the past few days my blog has been acting up and things are disappearing that used to be there and yesterday when I went to write a post, each key stroke had a two second delay like I was […]

The Skunk at the Dinner Party

After being a drinker, is it ever natural to be at a dinner party without a glass of wine? I’m asking, because even though I do not crave a drink anymore, the thought of drinking flickers across my mind whenever I am in a setting where I would have been drinking, when I was drinking. […]