No really, I’m being tested. For the past few days my blog has been acting up and things are disappearing that used to be there and yesterday when I went to write a post, each key stroke had a two second delay like I was typing a telegram in an old fashioned Western Union office…
There is trouble afoot. Stop. Going to cry or scream. Stop. I don’t exactly HATE computers, but I hate computer viruses. Stop. Help. Stop.
Anyway, this is a test and if it is any consolation I did have one of those defining moments in the car this morning on my way to work. The sun was just coming up, at the time when yard guys take all the good parking spots at the Gate Station, and buy Big Gulps and those breakfast sandwiches made of pork entrails and cardboard (look out port-a-potties!). A voice in my head said, “Don’t you just want to go back to the time when (for some reason) you got to lay around all day and drink and ride on boats to private islands and drink and live large and prideful and drink?”
I sometimes wonder why I had to atone so harshly for my sins when Kanye West sill gets to swan about like a pompous ass (but that is a whole other blog post).
The consolation is that I really don’t want to go back. There are some things that could use improvement, but I’m okay. I’m sober. A great guy fixed the blog (I think – this really is a test of the computer). I’m here. I ‘m being tested, but who isn’t? I’m going to push the button now – here goes…
It’s just a test.
Today I’m not drinking because I want to pass the test…