Author Archives: admin

Be consistent!

I Dated Captain Ron for Three Years

Don’t we look like throw backs from the Beatle-mania days? Just a couple of “birds” on Boris Bikes.           At the end of one of the Pilates tapes I do sporadically, the plucky instructor Mari Winsor says, “Be consistent!”  Every time I hear her say those words I wish she were a REAL person, so I […]

Entire COUNTRIES can be triggers…

Do not go to the internet and Goggle “Drunk Russians” unless you are looking for a bride (or worse…) …when you’re a recovering alcoholic.  England, Ireland, Russia and Puerto Rico spring to mind.  These places have long-held drinking cultures, and if you’re a NON-DRINKER like me, you kind of feel like a social pariah… Ever been to a London […]

Bahamian men…

I’m not sure I know you well enough yet, to say anything more on the subject…  Except that this photo was taken at nine o’clock in the morning. Have a wonderful, safe holiday. And beware of Bahamian men bearing gifts… Today I’m not drinking because, although it’s five o’clock somewhere, and a bunch of people have […]

Is that a metaphor?

I’m walking Fiona yesterday morning and she’s being all choosy about where she poops,* and for some reason that always drives me crazy.  Usually, her bathroom bouts are easy – she does try to please me, and I’m sure she fears my unreasonable, scary response when she doesn’t perform to my liking (think about Cruella’s reaction when the […]