The bundle smothered in the white blanket is me… “Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.” Alcoholics Anonymous “Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it.” George R.R. Martin – Game of Thrones I am in Michigan for my mother’s […]
Author Archives: admin
From photos taken at an AA meeting – spring of 1964 It didn’t happen… I heard that people attended 90 AA meetings in 90 days, and I knew I could never pull that off, so I invented a truncated version of the dictum – 30 Meetings in 30 Days – and announced to my […]
Have you been to Michigan? I’m on my way there this morning. By the time you read this I will be shooting through the air, drooling on the shoulder of my neighbor in that opium-dream, slumber that only happens on planes or trains when you’ve gotten up at 3 a.m. to pack… I […]
The worst hangover I have ever had was in St. Martin. It was one of those delayed reaction deals. I woke up with crazy energy at 7 a.m. and went out on the pool deck to do lunges. We were staying in a hilltop villa – open air and sprawling – Kim was there, and when she padded out […]
About six month ago, I told Kim I felt like I deserved whatever bad things happened to me. I was like a shamefaced child, facing the corner, waiting for the authoritarian parent to get home and dish out punishment. I don’t feel that way anymore. I don’t want to look over my shoulder anymore, anticipating cosmic payback for the thousand wrongs […]
Get out and live a little! Lauren’s photo of Fiona’s first swim (actually kind of a joyful walk, jump, stumble in a tide puddle). No wonder people get a dog… Today I’m not drinking because I’m at the beach… How come you’re not drinking?
When I woke up this morning, the thought sprang to mind, “If you want something done, ask a busy person.” Benjamin Franklin, who coined this phrase, was a multitasking pro – inventing the lightning rod, peering through handmade bifocals and spouting pithy aphorisms while corralling electricity in a ruffled shirt. I’m not sure, 200 years […]
As I was getting dressed this morning I thought of my ex-husband. I am wearing my customary black, but with the addition of a splash of yellow (a tank top beneath an off the shoulder sweater and platforms) as a nod to summer. I remembered once, getting dolled up to go out with him, wearing black […]
I had a drug test yesterday. I feel pretty sure I aced it. This morning I read that most employers request a standard drug screen, which tests for signs of marijuana, cocaine, phencyclidine, amphetamines and opiates. If you haven’t been drug tested recently, and think (like the old days when I heard you could tuck a […]
When is the last time you saw a gang high-ten with such authentic, enthusiasm? I want to work here!! I’ll be honest. I haven’t really worked in 20 years. I owned an art gallery. I have done some free lance writing and sober coaching. I have spent the past year giving back to the recovery […]