On the television show VEEP, the Vice President of the United States is given the task of spearheading the campaign to reduce obesity in America. She says to her chief of staff, “The President knows I am made uncomfortable by fat people. You want to know the secret to keeping weight off? Shut your (expletive) pie […]
For jollies, I Googled “cure for alcoholism”. It seemed like one of those aphorisms you might see pop up on the side of your Facebook feed like “lose five pounds of belly fat today!” or “how to become a millionaire!” and I’m a sucker for those… There are actually a number of books that claim […]
I had a hangover yesterday morning. I knew I was giving up sugar for Lent, so I sat watching Netflix with Lauren the night before (like a condemned prisoner), eating all the Valentine’s candy she had in the house. I get a sugar hangover. But it was more than that… The minute I […]
Goodbye, bite sized candy which used to come in large bars and is designed to give you a smaller portion option, but I eat the whole bag(s)… When I was drinking, I would think about giving up wine for Lent every year. I’d have this moral argument in my head and always come up […]
Last night Kim and Dee and I watched the 40th Anniversary of Saturday Night Live together. I’m in Jacksonville and its been a couple months since I’ve seen either of them. We sat in Kim’s theater with lap blankets and gassy water, and laughed until our sides hurt, we cried, we were weak, and any other […]
River Rest & Sunset Hills Cemetery – the current address of most of my relatives… This may surprise you, but I was a weird child. I was plagued with night terrors and picked on at school. It didn’t help that I peed my tights in 3rd Grade while standing in front of the class […]
Watch his left hook, kid – there’s a shot of bourbon in his hand – and his upper cut has a glass of white wine in it… What do you think of when you hear the term “Sober Coach”? I think of Robert Downey Jr.’s muscle bound babysitter, whipping up emerald green drinks in a […]
…go together like a horse and carriage, or more appropriately, a gin and tonic. Panic attacks are linked inextricably to binge drinking, alcoholism and even the early stages of alcohol withdrawal. A panic attack is defined as: a sudden feeling of acute and disabling anxiety. says: A full-blown panic attack includes a combination of the […]
I am really, really good at Scrabble… A friend of mine suggested, if I couldn’t think of anything to write about, I should start with a single word*. Like the first step toward sobriety, he said it would be a catalyst – a spark to the verbal genus that eludes. The problem with that […]
Boris Bikes BORE US when we can’t stop at THE CAT AND THISTLE for a refreshing shandy… With Val and Coco. Just over a year ago, I was in England. I was six months into my sobriety and vaguely miserable… I am not one of those people who decided to become sober and turned […]