If you look closely, there are coyote decoys on the shore…
I stopped by the office yesterday and when I came out (on my way for a walk) there were small balls of ice falling from the sky. I felt like Henny Penny. I promise I am finished with metaphors and misery about the cold, but ice balls?
Anyway, I was walking around the lake and suddenly the sun came out and the temperature rose by twenty degrees and I was listening to some great music and I felt like a million bucks. Instantly. Like someone flipped a switch. It made me think about the restorative benefits of fresh air and exercise and music in recovery. I challenge anyone to feel lousy when listening to Pitbull doing “Fireball”. That guy just seems like he’s having a great time, all the time. I suppose it helps to be constantly surrounded by beautiful women, shaking their booties in leotards.
It’s Monday morning and I still feel the way I felt going around the lake: on the top of my game, everything working right, great thoughts about what I am going to accomplish this week. So I’d like to make a suggestion. On the way to the office, or while you work out, or as you are getting your Vogue look together in the bathroom mirror, turn off the educational podcast or the book on tape and turn up the dance tunes…
Today I’m not drinking because I’m feeling like a FIREBALL…