Stars collide – from the Hubble telescope… A friend of mine sent me an email that began: We are all made of stardust. It sounds like a line from a poem, but there is some solid science behind this statement too: almost every element on Earth was formed at the heart of a star. […]
Category Archives: Sober Article
“I think of shit and then I write it down…” Crazy Eyes, Orange is the New Black I have never been to prison, but I watched the entire third season of Orange is the New Black in two sittings. It’s a little weird to watch a prison show when I somehow escaped going myself […]
Laura was sitting on the couch watching Orange is the New Black with Lauren and me, and there was an AA meeting scene (one of the inmates had gotten a little too dependent on her handmade moonshine). Laura turned to me and asked, “Why do you guys drink Club Soda? I mean is there a reason […]
I have to be honest. Part of the reason I got sober was vanity. My biggest concern was that I would end up looking like Kathleen Turner (what happened there?) and I was heading in that direction – lax and bloated, my hair lackluster… I didn’t develop that horrible, bourbon-baritone or wear round toed slipper-shoes on […]
I have a wise, pastor I communicate with by email occasionally. He is one of those people who can make scripture come alive for me. He’s a good storyteller – culling from daily life – and for me the message and the messenger must be affably joined or I yawn and pick up a People Magazine. I […]
In England, the old ladies call, “Cooee!” over the hedgerows in their gardens to borrow a cup of sugar or a plant cutting or the latest gossip. In Staniel Cay, business, monkey business and most of the important gab takes place on the “locals side” of the bar at the Yacht Club. In Flint, Michigan […]
Koi like to eat stale baguette. They open their mouths wide like babies, and swim tail to mouth like designs on Chinese dinner plates. When they are hungry, koi come to the top of the water and stare accusingly, exposing their heads and shoulders like land sharks in comedy skits. The big ones are aggressive. […]
Yesterday I was featured on Recovery in an article called “What is Rock Bottom?” in which I stated “I’ve probably had ten rock bottoms, and none of them were the catalyst to my quitting drinking.” (By the way, please go to the website and SHARE the article on your favorite social media site, […]
I have decided I am my own worst frenemy. I have polled my friends and they all say I am funny (even funnier now that I’m sober, but I think they think they have to say that or I’ll be all gaga-drunk to get a laugh…), smart, interesting and best of all confident. I’m not […]
Like the annoying and problematic Uncle Albert in the movie Mary Poppins, I love to laugh. Maybe it is because I am a pleasure seeker with a dopamine jones, or maybe it’s because I do not have the capacity for sturm und drang, or maybe I’m nuts. But I will always try to find the humor in […]