Category Archives: Sober Article

Breaking Bad in Michigan

I Dated Captain Ron for Three Years

A mosaic at ArtPrize made of broken plates.   Breaking the Mental Health Stigma While I was at Sanford House, the residents and I painted desert plates with all the bad things we wanted to banish from our lives forever (in my case fear, white wine, insecurity, addiction, self-sabotage and Raisinets – I sort of needed a dinner plate…), and then we […]

It’s All or Nothing…

Nothing like scrounged wood leeks and pinecones to satisfy…   So, after two months of eating lettuce and berries, like a super model (or a foraging freegan), I got to Dee’s last night and said the fatal words, “I feel like being bad.” It’s like somebody opens a floodgate. In my old drinking days, those five […]

This is Different than the Blues…

  There is something gorgeous about a cornfield that’s gone to seed; the useless stalks crowded together in steadfast rows against a pale blue sky. I was out walking early yesterday morning and I came upon a dirt road that ran between two fields: one fallow, mounds of dull-brown dirt, the other a dry rustle of leaves before they are […]

Can We Talk About Something Else?

  I spent last Thursday, Friday and Saturday with some of the smartest, funniest and most impassioned addiction/recovery professionals I have ever met. But probably my favorite line during the three days (or at least the one that makes me smile the most as I recall) was, “Can we talk about something else besides recovery? […]

Merry Go Round

  I was supposed to have dinner with Nick on Saturday night, but he was unavoidably detained… Kim and I went anyway, as a tribute and because he would have wanted me to enjoy his largess one more time. When we arrived, Kim got flustered, because the hostess said, “He’s expecting you. There’s something at […]

The Return of Word Girl

  Words Have Power I have found my niche. After years of people looking at me and saying, “You’d be great in sales,” I’ve finally convinced everyone I am best at doing research and writing about it. I love correcting other people’s grammar; finding inconsistencies in long standing, scholarly reference materials; and educating myself about obscure subjects […]