After my experience with the cab driver, serial killer with the poopy pants, I bought a Powerball ticket. I was at the Gate Station at 5 a.m. on Saturday buying cat food (don’t ask), and since the cab driver was actually a nice man with what I am now assuming was a melted Cadbury Bar on […]
Category Archives: Sober Article
In my drinking days in The Bahamas I was fearless. I’d head out into open water with the captain, on a boat without any tracking devices (there was a satellite dish and a bunch of fancy looking controls, but nobody knew how to work them). We’d hop from island to island in a place so remote […]
Yes. (But they might not say anything about it to your face). I get a variation on this question a lot. Sometimes folks will ask, “How should I tell my family I have a drinking problem?” I usually answer, “They already know.” There’s a weird thing that happens in families when one of the members has […]
When Lauren was little, we were in a store and there were some of those clever, kitchen wreaths made of corks hanging on display – several hundred corks in each wreath. She said quite loudly, “I’ll bet you could get enough corks for a wreath in a week, Mommy.” Out of the mouths of babes. […]
One of my New Year’s resolutions (I only have two and the other is to exercise every day) was to organize my storage spaces and get rid of the things I have been housing since my move from Bristol Place five years ago. For example, the INDO Board I used to balance on in […]
One of the many things I did on New Year’s Eve this year was cry hysterically. But in a good way. I watched the movie The Martian, and I’ve decided it is a must see for everyone in recovery (as well as anyone thinking about quitting drinking or facing a challenge of any kind). The […]
You probably don’t know this about me (unless you are Kim, Lauren, Jon Jon, my mom or Jonathan), but I say the above exclamatory sentence every, single year at this time. No matter how shitty my life has been or how seemingly fruitless my future. I always make the same proclamation on January 31st, “It’s going […]
In another lifetime, I lived in New York and worked for a now defunct company called American Legal Systems. My title was VP of Sales and Marketing, a job that consisted of overseeing the sale of multi-million dollar litigation support projects and then, when they inevitably went tits up, explaining to a room full of litigators, […]
I’m like the rat in Flowers for Algernon. I am so clear headed and thirsty for learning I surprise myself. Some days I’m like Dr. Spencer Reid on Criminal Minds – the one with the obscure facts, top of mind, the speed-reading, goody-two-shoes at the front of the class with the gold star. Let me give you a rundown […]
I do not swim here, having picked up thousands of shark’s teeth over the years, but I DO just keep walking… I had a friend when I lived in New York, who was one of those bigshot money manager types, and she flew around the world explaining to the already rich how to get richer. […]