I had someone I’ve met through the blog send me a note asking if I ever dream of drinking. She said she’s been thinking of dreams lately – can’t get it out of her mind: dreams while she was drinking, sober dreams and dreams of drinking (the scariest kind she says). Now I can’t get […]
Author Archives: admin
My beach on Staniel Cay. Is it fair to say alcohol took it from me? Is it fair? I reconnected with a couple of women from Staniel Cay recently. They both admitted they had always been worried about me and my drinking. Unbeknownst to me, one of them is a long time recovering alcoholic who had […]
Did I mention I used to own an art gallery? Art guys are my favorite category of people – smart, well read, funny, articulate… I was a bit of a drinker in those days, and I still contend the best conversations I’ve ever had, have been while drinking with artists. On one occasion, the Tony’s were […]
I can SMELL this image… Today I’d like to talk about drinking’s ugly sister – smoking. People still do that you know. Even though these days we have too many facts. We’ve all seen those people on the Truth ads who rasp through synthesizers with ghastly scars above their hearts, their teenage son’s giving them […]
I seem to end up at the beach whenever I have an important decision to make. It’s the vastness, the limitlessness of the ocean that renders my travails a little bit more manageable… I am overwhelmed at the moment by so many things, I don’t know whether to get another cup of coffee or sit in a […]
I’m sorry… Or: Drunk or Sober, Sometimes Doing a Runner is the Only Option… I was telling a story at dinner last night and everyone laughed and said I should put it in a blog post. I’m sitting here trying to find an allegory. I think however, this was just one of those Marilyn moments […]
I once worked with a guy, who taught me how to lie (sounds like the start of a dirty limerick…). He said the key to lying effectively is: keep it simple and keep it close to the truth. Jon Jon says there is a point in a lie when one should just stop talking. He’s referring to […]
I need love too… I have been told I am dogged. Once I get the notion to do something I just find a way to do it. Like climbing a mountain in Puerto Rico when I’m out of shape, or quitting drinking after twenty years of perilous boozing. It’s not a quality I particularly admire […]
OR Who Walks the Dog Today? I spent the evening with Lauren and Fiona last night (two of my very favorite bitches…). Lauren is taking care of Fiona while I find a place to live. They were both happy, healthy and very happy to see me. That’s saying something from a Class A Drunk: two important relationships I […]
Puerto Rico’s most deadly pitfalls… Jon Jon says he read somewhere that more people die each year from being hit on the head with coconuts than being struck by lightning. I think of it every time I walk beneath a palm tree. It’s one of life’s classic pitfalls – no one prepares for it. We run indoors […]