The Sober Smarts

  I’m like the rat in Flowers for Algernon. I am so clear headed and thirsty for learning I surprise myself. Some days I’m like Dr. Spencer Reid on Criminal Minds – the one with the obscure facts, top of mind, the speed-reading, goody-two-shoes at the front of the class with the gold star.  Let me give you a rundown […]

The 13 Year Old Truth…

  Nick’s daughter Ellie spent Christmas in the hospital. We’re not sure why: a bad cold, an infection, a euphemism… All our communication is filtered and vetted through lawyers, as if love and caring were airborne and dangerous. Ellie and Evie live with a stranger/relative in a place where nightfall comes at four o’clock in the afternoon. […]

The Debate on Banning Caffeine in Rehab…

I just watched the documentary called Best of Enemies about the series of debates in 1968 between William F. Buckley and Gore Vidal – easily some of the most entertaining, scorched-earth, diametrically opposed snootiness ever recorded. I prefer Buckley’s mainline, jaw thrusting, facial ticked technique to Vidal’s deadly-sweet smile and slow, deliberate drawl – but there is no denying the brilliance of their […]