Guana Reserve here I come!
Kim says I’m really getting around these days. I guess that’s true, although I don’t feel much like the hobnobber I used to be. I am sitting here with my bags packed – heading to Jacksonville for Mother’s Day, so that’s something. I am certainly happy to be seeing the kids and I’m taking a tour of Lakeview Health’s new women’s center and I hope to get some sun on my pasty legs. But I think I haven’t been in Grand Rapids long enough to make it home and Jacksonville isn’t really home anymore, so I feel a bit like a woman without a country…
Do I sound blue? I’m not: it’s probably just lack of sleep. I did one of those fitful, fall asleep early because you have to get up at 4 deals and ended up waking, wide-eyed – no chance of going back to sleep – at 2:30. I jumped up thinking, “Unpack the jean jacket! There is no need for a jacket! Get on the ladder and drag down the basket with the bathing suits! You need bathing suits! For God’s sake paint your toenails!”
Maybe I am excited.
And there is no chance I will want a Bloody Mary at the airport in Charlotte. Or feel the need for wine shooters in my bag. Or experience the horrible, wet wool feeling of no-sleep, coupled with vinegar-mouth from drinking while I packed and drinking in bed to “make myself sleep”.
And I’m starting to rev up.
I may be a woman without a country at the moment, but it sure feels good to feel good…It’s enough. Bon voyage Mare! Bon sober voyage!!!