The D2 Receptor Mutation (Good Band Name)




I’ve been reading about the “addiction gene”  (the bugaboo, genetic variation suspected to predispose people to addiction) that engineers the dopamine D2 receptor. Dopamine is the brain’s reward system. The D2 receptors modulate how much you feel an experience.

We alcoholics have fewer D2 receptors than normal drinkers. In other words even though we may drink more, we enjoy it less. It’s like trying to savor a meal without taste buds, or getting a massage wearing a padded suit…

This could mean our alcohol abuse has caused a defensive reaction in our brains, shrinking the number of receptors and rendering our pleasure center less effective.

There is also research that shows some of us are born this way (not what Lady Gaga had in mind…). We experience life less intensely because our mutated reward system neurons are innately under-stimulated.  We are more likely to self-medicate to compensate (and yes that sounds like a rap lyric…).

I’m not sure if knowing this makes me feel better, or worse…

Today I’m not drinking because I’m thinking about starting a band called The D2 Receptor Mutation…

How come you’re not drinking?