Winds From the East…

winds[Sings] Winds from the east… Mist comin’ in… Like something’s a brewin’, about to begin… Can’t put me finger on what lies in store… But I feel what’s to ‘appen, all ‘appened before…!

Perhaps it was being in Michigan, or just the onset of autumn, but I’m feeling nostalgic and anticipatory this morning. Like the words of the song, I sense a familiar change in the air and I’m not sure I’m ready for it.

I don’t mean to be obtuse. In fact I was planning a big, positive, blow-out for the first post at my new WordPress address*, but instead I am harkening back and peeking around the corners of my destiny with a caution I never had when I was drinking. Sobriety sucks sometimes.

I feel so much.

And wasn’t that the point of drinking in the first place? To dull the expectancy? Even the sunrise this morning is ambivalent about the future…


I don’t think it’s possible to go where you are from and not think about where you are. Michigan always has that effect on me.

I’ve got to be honest, I’m coming up lacking on this new morning. I really wish I could get out a big, black umbrella and float away…

*And Jayson – sorry about the Wicked Witch thing yesterday. But you still didn’t fix the subscribe area or the NO COMMENT button, and I can’t remember how to categorize and when you push the little f button above it says NOT FOUND and I DID it with the red area that requires going into the code, so there. Oh and also now that I can see the history of the changes I make and how many times I look at a post before I publish it, I think I might be neurotic…

Today I’m not drinking because something’s a brewin’…

How come you’re not drinking?