By looking into the photos on my phone I can see that I am walking in the woods…
…Marilyn. Recently, I have noticed I am so busy trying to capture how awesome I have become, now that I’m sober, my phone or camera seems to get a better experience than I do. It started with the 4th of July, where I had primo seats beneath the fireworks action. While everyone else stared up, unencumbered at the exploding splendor, I moved from vantage point to vantage point, squinting into a three by five inch screen to see what I was supposed to be seeing in real-time…
This weekend I was in the woods. As you can see above. That is me experiencing the forest walk – scowling into my phone. Did I get the feel of the river? Does it seem babbling enough? Will people see this picture and know I was hiking again, sober and amazing in my Lulu Lemon finery?
The Real (not the reel) Action…
I have decided that as many great experiences as I am having nearly three years without a glass (or ten) of wine, I am still isolating myself from the real action. Claudio used to say, “If Kim didn’t take a picture, it never happened…” I didn’t understand what he meant then, but now I think I do. He meant, we are in this thing – doing it – so experience the moment fully and get a few pictures to document it, not the other way around.
A week or so ago my friend Jim posted a photo of a kayaking trip he was on, onto his Facebook feed. It was gorgeous, but the caption was, “The only photo I took before my camera shut down. It was the heat.”
Another friend of ours, Mac responded, “That always hurts, but sometimes being forced to be completely present and not capturing is good for the spirit.”
My friends are so smart…
Today I’m not drinking because there’s no one to take the photo…

Yes, I was there… Bay City 4th of July…
How come you’re not drinking?