2014 accomplishment – hike to Hall Creek Falls…I’m taking the picture, but I climbed to the top – all the fabulous pictures Jon Jon took of me are sideways or upside down…
Don’t worry. I know it’s the second of January. There has been no bender – no time warp. I am firmly in the present and I realize I am a day late for the usual heartfelt greetings.
I was going to do a bunch of things yesterday. I hate New Year’s Eve, but I have always loved New Year’s Day. It feels clean and unformed and hopeful…
I was going to wash Fiona, who smells like the embodiment of Georgia creek-bed mud. I was going to take a long hike on the AT (that’s what the cool kids call the Appalachian Trail). I was going to call all my loved ones with messages of fondness and thanks and start my cleanse. I was going to write a blog post about my resolutions for the new year. I was going to Blue Ridge for a barbeque.

Proof of life. I am sure this will be upside down in your phones and will probably post sideways as the primary photo for Facebook, as Facebook has a capricious mind of its own. THANKS JON JON…
I ended up spending most of the day in the bed in the loft, with my stinky dog nestled in my armpit (for warmth) playing Pogo online Scrabble and eating things with no nutritional value…
And loving it. Is that wrong? Should my New Year’s resolution be: NO GUILT in 2015? It kind of sounds like a political slogan. Would you vote for me?
Every time I start a sentence with, “If I ruled the world…”
My kids say, “We’d move.”
Happy Sober New Year my friends.
Today I’m not drinking, because HELLO – it’s a brand new year – plus one day…
How come you’re not drinking?